Teacher Characteristics and Experiences in Light of the Challenges Presented by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Paraguay
COVID-19, Teachers, Perceptions, Strategies, ChallengesAbstract
The advent of COVID-19 generated unprecedented disruptions in the education sector throughout the world. This study presents a comparison of teacher characteristics, perceptions about the development of online educational activities and the difficulties experienced at the beginning of online teaching implementation and at the end of 2020 in Paraguay. A mixed methodology was used with focus group interviews and semi-structured questionnaires administered through electronic means. Teachers from all educational levels in Paraguay, from public and private institutions, were considered. At the beginning of the pandemic, 1030 teachers participated. In the follow-up study, 299 teachers participated, mainly from the capital city and the Central Department. The study revealed significant proportions of teachers who were forced to acquire new equipment and increased technological services. The main means of communication used, at all levels, were WhatsApp and educational platforms. At the end of 2020, there were a higher proportion of teachers trained in the use of technological tools for teaching. The main problem faced by teachers in remote activities is associated with internet connection. Although challenging, teachers also considered the opportunities granted by the situation. These teaching experiences serve to establish and design mechanisms to make education in times of pandemic bearable.References
Canese, V., Mereles, J. I., & Amarilla, J. A. (2022). Teacher characteristics and experiences in light of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic in Paraguay. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 5(1), 97-116. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.202
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