Examination of Relationship between Secondary School Students' Robotic Coding Attitudes and STEM Career Interests
STEM Career, Robotic Coding, Secondary School StudentsAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between middle school students' attitudes towards robotic coding and their STEM career interests. For this purpose, data were collected from a total of 213 students studying in three different secondary schools in a province in the south of Turkey. The "STEM Career Interest" scale and the "Robotic Coding Attitude" scale were used as data collection tools. The analysis of the data indicated that there was a moderate, statistically significant relationship between the participants' attitudes towards robotic coding and their STEM career interests. When the data were analyzed in terms of sub-dimensions, a medium-level significant relationship was found between the participants' attitudes towards robotics and their science, mathematics, and engineering career interests, and a high-level significant relationship was found between their technology career interests. Additionally, sub-factors of robotic coding attitude (interest, motivation, desire to learn, self-efficacy, and anxiety) significantly predicted the participants’ STEM career interests. Accordingly, it can be posited that as participants' attitudes towards robotic coding evolve, their interest in STEM careers also expands. Consequently, it is postulated that all activities that enhance attitudes and boost interest in robotic coding, whether conducted within or outside the school environment, will facilitate students' pursuit of a STEM-related career in the future.References
Erol, O., Akoz, O., & Gungor, R. (2024). Examination of relationship between secondary school students' robotic coding attitudes and STEM career interests. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 7(4), 814-828. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.843
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