Integration of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) Applications into the 5E Learning Model in Biology Teaching
Biology teaching, biology lab, 5E learning model, MAR, technology integrationAbstract
This research aims to determine the effect of MAR′s integration into 5E learning in teaching biology. Particularly, its impact on the academic success of the preservice teachers and their attitudes towards digital technology is studied. To this end, the convergent parallel mixed research method is used. The study was conducted with the 31 preservice science teachers in a General Biology Laboratory Course in the 2018-2019 academic year. As the data collection tools, “Achievement Test with Open-Ended Questions”, “Attitude Scale towards Digital Technology” and “Semi-Structured Interview Form” were used. The evaluation of the research results indicates that MAR practices in the biology laboratory have increased the academic success and positively affected the attitudes of preservice teachers towards digital technology. Moreover, preservice teachers expressed that applications of MAR facilitated their learning and understanding, making the lessons more attractive. Accordingly, the use MAR applications are recommended in teaching Biology to examine various anatomical structures.References
Kozcu Cakir, N., Guven, G., & Celik, C. (2021). Integration of mobile augmented reality (MAR) applications into the 5E learning model in Biology teaching. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 4(1), 93-112.
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