An Examination of the Attitudes of Teacher Candidates towards Mobile Learning
Mobile learning, teacher candidates, attitudes, examinationAbstract
This study aims to ascertain how potential Turkish language and literature and Turkish teacher candidates tend to mobile learning. In this context, it investigates whether there are any notable differences in these aspiring teachers' attitudes toward mobile learning based on elements like gender, age, major field of study, grade level, personal tablet ownership, computer ownership, income level, social media usage, and enrollment in computer courses. A relational survey model, a quantitative research method, is used in this study. 209 females and 65 males who willingly joined the study at a university in Turkey's east comprise its participant pool. The findings reveal that prospective teachers of Turkish language and literature, as well as Turkish language teaching, strongly endorse the statements in the Mobile Learning Attitude Scale. Furthermore, their attitudes towards mobile learning do not exhibit significant variations concerning variables such as gender, major field of study, grade level, personal tablet ownership, possession of a computer, income level, social media usage, and participation in a computer course. Nevertheless, a noteworthy difference is identified in attitudes towards mobile learning across different age groups. The outcomes imply that while substantial distinctions exist among age groups, the attitudes of prospective teachers in the aforementioned fields do not significantly differ in terms of demographic or technological aspects. These results underscore the importance of integrating mobile learning into teaching and learning. Encouraging positive attitudes towards mobile learning and conducting additional research on this subject are strongly recommended.References
Kirbas, A. & Bulut, M. (2023). An examination of the attitudes of teacher candidates towards mobile learning. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 6(4), 681-699.
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