e-Training Package for Secondary Pre-service Teachers
ADDIE, Pre-service teachers, Science education, TPACKAbstract
The study assessed, designed, developed, validated, implemented, and evaluated the effects of the e-training package on TPACK. The study was conducted at Bukidnon State University from 2021-2022. Using Research and Development, an e-training package on TPACK involved Content Knowledge, Technological Knowledge, and Pedagogical Content Knowledge was developed. The level of TPACK knowledge of secondary pre-service teachers was measured using weighted mean and sd. Findings revealed that pre-service teachers' TPACK level of knowledge shows advancement across all levels of knowledge except for pedagogical knowledge, which is expert. From the needs analysis result, an e-training package on content knowledge, technological knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge was designed. With the development of e-training package, Integrating Resources in Science, feedback from the panel of experts was used as the basis for the revision of the lessons with the guidance of a systematic set of criteria. The e-training was implemented through an online platform for both 3rd year and 4th-year science pre-service teachers. From the evaluation result, pre-service teachers have a thorough initial comprehension and fundamental knowledge of TPACK.References
Ramirez, I.A.L. (2024). e-training package for secondary pre-service teachers. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 7(3), 417-433. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.593
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