Teachers' Self-Efficacy towards Gamification: A Scale Development Study
Education, Gamification, Teacher, Self-efficacyAbstract
In this study, a scale was created to measure the gamification ability levels of teachers. The rating system is a 5-point Likert scale. The scale has 36 items and 4 variables. The research's study group is made up of 526 instructors who are employed during the academic year 2022–2023 in kindergarten, primary schools, secondary schools, and high schools connected to the Ministry of National Education. By looking at the levels of exploratory and confirmatory component analysis, item discrimination levels, and meeting the goal, the validity of the scale was examined. Stability analyses and internal consistency coefficients were used to examine the scale's reliability. The investigation concluded that the scale is a viable and trustworthy measurement tool that may be used to assess teachers' degrees of self-efficacy with regard to gamification.References
Orgut, M., Korkmaz, O., Kukul, V., & Ugur Erdogmus, F. (2024). Teachers' self-efficacy towards gamification: A scale development study. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 7(3), 474-492. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.589
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