Perceptions of Higher Education Students towards ChatGPT Usage
Artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Higher education, PerceptionAbstract
In the context of contemporary technological advancements, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained considerable significance in the field of education. In light of ChatGPT’s growing popularity, this research aims to explore how higher education students perceive the use of ChatGPT in academics, examining factors influencing its acceptance, as well as its benefits, limitations, and ethical concerns. The study applied a survey design, collecting data through Google Forms from undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students. A total of 162 participants, who were using ChatGPT selected through convenience sampling. The findings indicate a positive perception among respondents regarding ChatGPT's academic applications, its benefits, limitations, acceptance factors, and ethical concerns. The study also reveals that the perception of higher education students towards ChatGPT usage is not significantly influenced by gender, academic programs, and streams. The insights gained from this study holds significant implications for the responsible and effective integration of ChatGPT in higher education environments, taking into account its perceived benefits and ethical concerns.References
Das, S.R. & J.V., M. (2024). Perceptions of higher education students towards ChatGPT usage. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 7(1), 86-106.
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