The Effect of Video Games and Video Game Playing Time on the Performance of Computerized Accounting Lesson
Computerized accounting, Financial accounting, Video game, Digital game, Academic performanceAbstract
In this study, it is aimed to determine the effect of video game playing time on academic performance of students who play video games and take computerized accounting courses at Uşak University and attend computerized accounting courses. The data obtained with the questionnaire applied to a total of seventy students within the scope of the study were analyzed with the SPSS 26 statistical analysis program. The findings obtained from the study revealed that the majority of the students played video games for 1-2 hours a day on average and preferred Akınsoft software in the computerized accounting course. Other findings obtained from the study show that playing video games accelerates the learning process, using computer, keyboard, mouse, etc. in computerized accounting course. It has been revealed that it provides practicality in the use of technological tools, provides practicality in the creation of accounting slips, facilitates the detection of errors in incorrectly created accounting slips, and enables the different accounting package programs to be investigated curiously. In addition, another finding obtained within the scope of the study revealed that the duration of playing video games contributed to the academic performance of the computerized accounting course at a low levelReferences
Koc, F. (2023). The effect of video games and video game playing time on the performance of computerized accounting lesson. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 6(3), 488-506.
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