ChatGPT and ELT: Exploring Teachers’ Voices
ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, AI, English language teaching, ELT, teacher perspectiveAbstract
This study investigates the perceptions of English language teachers regarding the use of ChatGPT in English Language Teaching (ELT). The study aims to fill the research gap by exploring teachers' perspectives on the integration of ChatGPT as an instructional tool and its implications for ELT practices. Using a mixed methods approach, the study employed focus group discussions and an online survey to gather insights from a sample of 115 English language teachers in Metro Manila, Philippines. Findings revealed English language teachers’ perspectives on the use of ChatGPT in ELT including potential use of ChatGPT in ELT (e.g., integration for vocabulary expansion and writing practice and enhancing language fluency and communication), potential benefits of ChatGPT to English languge learners (e.g., translation and language comprehension support, conversational practice and language development, access to information and cultural understanding), and potential limitations of using ChatGPT in ELT (e.g., cheating and plagiarism, lack contextual understanding and nuance, reliability and accuracy of information). These findings shed light on teachers' perceptions of ChatGPT as a language teaching tool including ChatGPT’s integration into ELT, use of ChatGPT in writing activities, use of ChatGPT in improving language skills, and other benefits of using ChatGPT, including teachers' concerns regarding the authenticity of AI-generated content and the potential impact on language learning outcomes. The findings of this research contribute to the existing literature on the integration of AI technology in ELT and offer practical recommendations for educators seeking to leverage the potential of ChatGPT in language teaching. By giving voice to teachers' perspectives, this study underscores the importance of considering teachers' perceptions and experiences when incorporating emerging technologies like ChatGPT into the ELT classroom. Ultimately, this research aims to foster a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics between AI technology and language teaching, paving the way for informed decision-making and effective implementation in the field of ELT.References
Mabuan, R.A. (2024). ChatGPT and ELT: Exploring teachers’ voices. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 7(1), 128-153.
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