EFL Students’ Perspectives on Activities Designed for Asynchronous Discussion Forums: Transformative Practices
a Synchronous discussion forum, Pedagogical engagement, University students, COVID-19 pandemic.Abstract
The current study aimed to examine the perspectives of EFL students regarding the types of pedagogical activities they found engaging while using asynchronous discussion forums (ADF), as well as the practices of educators in encouraging the participation of their students. An interview with ten university students who were enrolled in an English language methodology course was used to construct data. The results of the study revealed that university students preferred open-ended activities to knowledge-based tasks such as quizzes or direct tasks. They found open-ended activities to be more challenging and engaging. The results also unveiled that the participants of the study expressed appreciation for tutors who provided clear instructions for tasks uploaded on the online discussion forum. They also valued the tutors who motivated them and offered constructive feedback. These factors were crucial in enhancing students’ engagement and participation in ADF. Based on these results, the study recommends empowering tutors with the skills and knowledge necessary to design engaging assignments that align with students’ expectations and provide them with direct and constructive feedback that would enhance ensuing research.References
Tawalbeh & Al-husban (2023). EFL students’ perspectives on activities designed for asynchronous discussion forums: Transformative practices. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 6(3), 507-520. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.519
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