The Effects of a Constructively Aligned Virtual Reality Setting on Professionals' Knowledge, Motivation and Perceptions
Virtual reality, Constructive alignment, Artificial Intelligence, Distance education, ProfessionalsAbstract
Although previous research on Virtual Reality (VR) demonstrated the effects of particular learning environment characteristics on learning, none of these studies constructed their virtual learning environment from a constructive alignment perspective. Therefore, this experimental study aims to investigate the impact of a constructively aligned virtual classroom setting, adopting an Artificial Intelligence (AI) training, on professionals’ knowledge on AI. This experimental condition was compared with a control condition, consisting of a similar constructively aligned AI-training within a traditional face-to-face setting. Learning outcomes were measured using a pre-test post-test validated multiple-choice test. Additionally, motivation and perceptions, which are considered as crucial intermediate variables, were assessed using questionnaires. Results revealed significant improvements in learning from pre-test to post-test with no statistical difference between the conditions. Following the principle of constructive alignment, professionals perceived the VR classroom environment as motivating as the traditional setting. As a result, professionals perceived the VR classroom setting to the same extent as the traditional learning environment. These findings reveal that improvements in learning outcomes of professionals can be realized if environments are designed based on the principle of constructive alignment irrespective of the VR or traditional settings.References
Sichterman, B., van Ginkel, S., van Halteren, M., van Tilborg, R., & Noroozi, O. (2023). The effects of a constructively aligned virtual reality setting on professionals’ knowledge, motivation and perceptions. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 6(4), 561-582.
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