Challenges Impacting Students’ Intention to Effectively Use E-Learning Method in a Virtual Learning Environment
Learning intentions, E-learning, Self-regulation, Isolation, Learning resource, Learning environmentAbstract
During the pandemic period, the education sector was heavily impacted involving transformations of instructional delivery from face-to-face to online mode. To date, we know that the virtual learning environment has been posing heavy demands particularly on the students. Learning from their own homes, they had to learn in isolation, deprived from the support of the instructor and peers as in conventional classrooms. As we continue to pursue online program offerings beyond the pandemic period, it is important to address students’ sense of isolation and their efforts to stay engaged in learning. This study aims to identify the extent to which the challenges students faced in a virtual learning environment during the pandemic, have impacted their intention to effectively use the online learning method. Respondents for this study consist of students in one private university. This study employs a quantitative method. A set of questionnaire survey was administered online with a return of 367 respondents. The research data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and Smart PLS. The findings gathered indicate that self-regulation, students' sense of isolation and lack of learning resources significantly impact their intention to effectively use e-learning methods. It is thus evident that students’ intention to learn effectively must be supported by factors outside of themselves, to keep them highly motivated, disciplined, as well as proactive through self-directed learning.References
Mokhtar, S., Hilaluddin, T., & Nik Nazli, N. N. N. (2023). Challenges impacting students’ intention to effectively use e-learning method in a virtual learning environment. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 6(2), 310-325.
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