Bibliometric Mapping of Metaverse in Education
Metaverse, Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Virtual worldsAbstract
This research aims to create a bibliometric map of studies on the use of metaverse in education. We used the bibliometric mapping technique from an international viewpoint to assess trends in the area of metaverse research on education by disclosing the author, publication, keyword, journal, country, and citation factors. Most research on the topic was published in Computers & Education. Results indicate that Hwang G.J. is the most relevant author. National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology are the most relevant universities. USA has the most publications, co-authored publications, single-national publications, and cited articles overall. China is the nation with the greatest number of publications from other countries. Denmark is regarded as being at the top in the field of average citations per article. The terms "augmented reality", "virtual reality" and "second life" is sub-applications of the Metaverse environment, and are often used keywords. Over time, we can observe that prior research on “second life”, “virtual worlds” and “virtual environments” were gradually superseded by studies on “augmented reality”, “virtual reality”, “immersive virtual reality”, and “VR”. Over time, the phrase "metaverse" may become one of these tendencies. The papers in this research were subjected to cluster analysis. All clusters appear to involve “virtual reality”. Additionally, “augmented reality” was included in three clusters. Examining the measured network analysis of the authors reveals that they are clustered into five separate groups.References
Tas, N. & Bolat, Y.I. (2022). Bibliometric mapping of metaverse in education. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 5(3), 440-458.
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