Through the Lens of Students: How Online Discussion Forums Affect Students’ Learning
Asynchronous communication, Online discussion forums, EFLAbstract
The current exploratory study investigated the perspectives of 13 students about the use of online discussion forums in a virtual English Language course at Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. A mixed methods approach utilizing self-report questionnaires, focus group interviews, and researcher observation was used to collect data. The study results showed that the majority of the participants viewed asynchronous discussion forums positively. Most importantly, the study revealed that participation in these forums enhanced various aspects of students’ learning including critical reading, critical thinking and critical reflection skills, behavioral, emotional and cognitive engagement, as well as their social skills. On the other hand, the study results showed that online discussion forums were associated with several challenges. These findings have pedagogical implications on the design and implementation of these forums in the EFL field. The article calls for further research on online discussion forums in relation to students’ level of study, academic achievement, and exam pass rates in various EFL courses.References
Gasmi, A. A. (2022). Through the lens of students: How online discussion forums affect students’ learning. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 5(4), 669-684.
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