Designing Effective Gamified Learning Experiences


  • Yunjo An University of North Texas United States



Gamification, Gamification design, Gamified learning, Gamification in education


Gamification has been used in a variety of settings, including business, healthcare, and education. Although there are successful gamification examples, many gamification projects fail due to poor design. Despite the importance of thoughtful design of gamification, previous research on gamification in education has not paid sufficient attention to the design aspect, focusing on whether adding one or more game elements makes any difference. Based on comprehensive literature review and synthesis of gamification design guidance from various experts in the area, the author identified eight design considerations for creating effective gamified learning experiences, including (1) meaning, (2) user-centered design, (3) challenges, personalization, and feedback, (4) choices and autonomy, (5) perils and advantages of extrinsic rewards, (6) social interaction and relatedness, (7) competition vs. cooperation, and (8) failure as an opportunity to learn. Thoughtful design is required to create effective gamified learning experiences. The novelty of using game elements in learning environments may draw students’ attention, but poorly designed gamification can have negative effects on student learning and motivation. It is critical to understand that a game element that works in one condition may not work in another condition. Future research should pay more careful attention to design aspects, consider contextual factors, and contribute to developing research-based guidelines for designing effective gamified learning experiences that include both methods and situations.


An, Y. (2020). Designing effective gamified learning experiences. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 3(2), 62-69.





