Evaluation of Digital Storytelling in terms of Pre-Service ICT Teachers' Perceived TPACK Levels and Teaching Proficiency Self-Efficacy Levels: A Mixed-Method Study
Digital storytelling, Teaching proficiency self-efficacy, Technological pedagogical content knowledge, Pre-service teachersAbstract
Today, the point where technology has come has revealed the need for individuals to be equipped with different skills. Teachers play an essential role in the development of these skills. Teachers should be able to use and master the methods that enable students to participate in the learning environment actively and gain the technological competencies they need today. In this direction, this study aims to examine the effect of digital storytelling on pre-service teachers' TPACK skills and teaching self-efficacy. An explanatory sequential research design is conducted with 29 pre-service ICT teachers. In the quantitative part of the study experimental research design and, in the qualitative part of the study case study is used. According to the results, digital storytelling is significantly affecting both TPACK and teaching proficiency self-efficacy levels of pre-service teachers. The results and future recommendations of the study are reported in detail.References
Kukul, V. (2022). Evaluation of digital storytelling in terms of pre-service ICT teachers' perceived TPACK levels and teaching proficiency self-efficacy levels: A mixed-method study. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 5(3), 411-422. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.240
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