ChatGPT Usage Scale in Education: Validity and Reliability Study
ChatGpt, Scale Development, Education, Reliability, ValidityAbstract
This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable scale to measure individuals' and organizations' attitudes toward the use of ChatGPT, emphasizing the necessity for organizations to adapt to rapidly evolving information and technology environments. The methodology consisted of three stages. In the first stage, a 13-item draft scale was administered to 213 participants, and its construct validity was evaluated through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). In the second stage, based on EFA results, the scale was reduced to 12 items and administered to 175 participants, followed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to validate its structure. In the third stage, test-retest reliability and criterion validity were examined with 67 school administrators and teachers. The analyses revealed that the scale consisted of two dimensions, "opportunities" and "challenges," and CFA confirmed this structure, with fit indices falling within acceptable ranges. The overall reliability coefficient (Cronbach's Alpha) was calculated as 0.71, and further analyses, including independent sample t-tests, item-total and item-residual correlations, inter-factor correlations, and test-retest correlations, supported the scale’s validity and reliability. Based on the findings, the scale was recommended to be named the "ChatGPT Usage Scale," offering a valuable tool for assessing attitudes toward ChatGPT use among individuals and organizations.References
Taktak, M. & Bafrali, G. (2025). ChatGPT usage scale in education: Validity and reliability study. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 8(1), 193-207.
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