A Literature Review: Digital Citizenship and the Elementary Educator
Technology use, Digital citizenship, Online citizenship, Teacher beliefs, Teacher knowledge, Digital literacy, Planning and implementation, Teacher practiceAbstract
This literature review was conducted as part of a dissertation research study. The review examines what scholars have studied in relationship to educators’ implementation of technology and instructional practices relating to digital citizenship. Additionally, the review examines the knowledge and beliefs of educators to include pre-service and current service teachers and students in K-12 education. Often research, as well as educational institutes, have emphasized the negative aspects of technology or the misuse of technology by users. Alternatively, this review highlighted the knowledge, beliefs, and professional practices of educators in order to ascertain what gaps exist to understand what needs to be addressed in promoting digital citizenship instruction in preparing students to use technology appropriately, responsibly, and ethically.References
Walters, M.G., Gee, D., & Mohammed, S. (2019). A literature review: Digital citizenship and the elementary educator. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 2(1), 1-21.
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