The Effect of PowerPoint Instruction on High School Students’ Achievement and Motivation to Learn Geometry
ICT integration, PowerPoint, Geometry, Motivation, Less endowed, Gender, Mathematics educationAbstract
This study explored the effect of PowerPoint integration on students’ motivation and achievement in less endowed Senior High Schools (SHSs). The study employed the embedded mixed method approach involving quasi-experimental design in which 80 students were randomly selected from two government-assisted Senior High Schools and assigned to control and experimental groups. Teacher-made Pre- and Post-Geometry Achievement Tests (GAT) and semi-structured interviews were used to collect quantitative and qualitative data respectively. During treatment, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was integrated using PowerPoint presentation to teach the experimental group while the control group was taught by conventional instruction approach. Both pre-GAT and post-GAT were administered to participants and their responds were scored to obtain quantitative data. Descriptive statistics and independent samples t-test were used to analyze the GAT scores while the qualitative data were thematically analyzed. The results showed that participants in both groups had improved in their post-GAT compared to their pre-GAT. However, it was revealed that study participants in the experimental group achieved better in the post-GAT than those in the control group. It was also revealed that there was no influence of gender in the achievement of the group taught by PPT presentation. Finally, the findings revealed that ICT integration promotes students’ motivation. In conclusion, ICT integration approach to teaching and learning mathematics concepts was found to promote students’ motivation and increased achievement in mathematics than the conventional instruction. The implications for practice and research are discussed.References
Mensah, J. Y. & Nabie, M. J. (2021). The effect of PowerPoint instruction on high school students’ achievement and motivation to learn geometry. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 4(3), 331-350.
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