Implementation of the Instructional Practices Inventory-Technology Process with Fidelity: The Impact on Technology Use and Student Cognitive Engagement
Educational technology, Student cognitive engagement, Instructional practices inventory-technology, Technology integrationAbstract
In an effort provide access to devices and prepare students for the future, a small rural high school committed to becoming a high-tech school. Data collected the first year using the IPI-T process suggested teachers were typically the users of the technology, students were often disengaged, and teachers were asking students to participate in lower-order surface activities. Missing from the process was the implementation of the faculty collaborative sessions. Year two IPI-T data was collected three times. Additionally, faculty collaborative sessions were planned and facilitated within one week of collection data. Participating in each faculty collaborative session, teachers (a) became familiar with the IPI-T Rubric and Protocols, (b) analyzed and discussed the data, (c) identified high-quality examples of student learning that foster student engagement with technology, (d) designed high-quality lessons that foster student engagement with technology, (e) compared longitudinal data and set goals for future data collection using the IPI-T tool.An analysis of the data revealed when implementing the IPI-T process with fidelity teacher and student technology use increased as did student cognitive engagement when using technology. In addition, it was found that students use technology for information searches the majority of the time rather than media development or to collaborate among peers for example, which are associated with higher-levels of cognitive engagement.References
Wallace-Spurgin, M.R. (2018). Implementation of the instructional practices inventory-technology process with fidelity: The impact on technology use and student cognitive engagement. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 1(1), 35-45.
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