Mobile Technology Pedagogy: Improved Student Engagement for Improved Self-Assessment
Mobile technology, Curriculum design, Student achievement, Faculty adoptionAbstract
There is minimal research which makes the connection between mobile technology and improved student achievement. This study addressed the gap in the literature and considered the dynamic and fluid engagement mobile technology brings to the teaching and learning environment to improve student essay scores in the composition classroom. Freshman composition essay scores were collected over the course of five semesters: two semesters where the instructor did not teach with mobile application technology, and three semesters after adoption of mobile technology. There was a statistically significant difference in mean writing project scores, with the mobile technology curriculum producing higher mean scores for all three writing projects. The purpose of this study was to expand current research to consider the effects of student achievement when using mobile application technology, and to inform current pedagogical practices across all disciplines.References
Paul, M. W. (2021). Mobile technology pedagogy: Improved student engagement for improved self-assessment. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 4(4), 695-707.
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