Engaging Students in the Learning Process with Game-Based Learning: The Fundamental Concepts
Game-based learning, Digital games, Technology, Collaborative learningAbstract
A new approach to learning in the form of educational games has been adopted in recent years, especially in English language teaching. The educational game learning approach used to teach English to non-native English-speakers who use English as a second or foreign language has recorded great success. This study provides an innovative framework for the adoption of the educational games learning approach at university. This is done to ensure lifelong learning and interdisciplinary learning opportunities for students. The study introduces social skills and knowledge training to address topics of gaming and learning. It describes the point at which learning is expected to occur and the role that game elements play in relation to student engagement and educational gaming content interaction. The study further describes the principles governing collaborative learning which are the key pillars for acquiring cognitive and social skills. The contribution of game-based learning is further linked with mindset improvement and growth. The study further examines three theories that are essential to the development of the game-based learning approach: narrative-centered learning theory, problem-solving theory, and engagement theory. Upon providing the theoretical underpinnings, teachers’ perceptions towards the game-based learning approach are further addressed in the paper. The advantages and disadvantages of game-based learning are also discussed.References
Adipat, S., Laksana, K., Busayanon, K., Asawasowan, A., & Adipat, B. (2021). Engaging students in the learning process with game-based learning: The fundamental concepts. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 4(3), 542-552. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijte.169
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